Right from updating your Facebook status to tweeting on a regular basis, yes you’ve been a pro-active social media user.
But, have you ever thought of the ways it can land you in the employment prospect you’ve always desired?
Of course, you must have. You might also be well acquainted with the fact that nearly 37% of the employers screen potential job candidates on the basis of their social media profiles. These numbers not only signify the importance your Facebook or LinkedIn accounts hold during job search, but also indicate that you need to utilize them in quite an efficacious manner.
Hence, the discussion below will talk about 3 possible ways you can customize these accounts to get employed in the near future.
1) Start Updating Your LinkedIn Profile
The website has started turning tables since its inception. A business-oriented social networking site that enables millions of professionals to connect from all around the globe, it has served as one of the leading platforms for one to build a personal brand. Right from a visible online resume to a network of professionals in your field, there’re ample things you can do.
Ways to have a Robust and ‘All-Star’ Profile
• The more the information on your page (profile), the better your chances to become conspicuous to potential employers.
• Include all major accolades, accomplishments and certifications that you would include on your resume.
• Use an apt profile pic, preferably a head shot with neatly trimmed hair and a professional attire.
• LinkedIn offers you the opportunity to let your employer know what professional skills you possess. Mention all you can and try to get them ‘endorsed’ by your connections.
• Start following employers and experts from your field. Participating in pertinent discussions might also be a worthwhile idea.
• Recommendations are important too, so ask for them on a regular basis. Before you send the generic form, try asking for it in person, in a professional way.
How to Search for a Job?
You can start with following the companies and industries falling under your area of interest. The website suggests profile openings that are aligned to your skills and interests, and allows you to search job openings across different categories. Hence, start researching hiring managers who posted the job and find out how you’re linked to better your chances.
2) Using FB (Facebook) and Twitter: They Demand A Different Outlook!
Facebook and Twitter can be just as effective as LinkedIn to secure the job offer you desire. They are used traditionally rather than in a professional way, so it’s quite imperative for you to be thoughtful about your online presence and the image you seek to project.
• A multitude of companies have started creating their own Facebook and Twitter pages for talent acquisition from around the globe. You can always like or follow the ones that entice you and cater to the industry you see yourself working in.
• Start ‘Retweeting’ and ‘Sharing’ the tweets and posts a potential employer updates to increase your visibility.
• Participate in discussions that are held on these updates. This would demonstrate your expertise/knowledge in the domain you desire to get employed.
• You can easily become a go-to person in your field by creating your own blog. Share the blog on your page and post interesting and eye-catching tweets related to it. If nothing, this would surely fetch you the self-confidence you need.
• Posting pictures that might seem inappropriate might put you in a negative light. Nearly 39% of recruiters have rejected applicants on this basis. So, keep the booze to party and try to come up as a professional candidate on your profile.
3) Using Pinterest Might Help Too!
Now that Pinterest has gained prominence amongst the crowd, people have started considering it as an alternate job search tool. There just are certain subtleties you need to heed to and Voila! Before you know you’ll be attending calls to schedule an interview! (or interviews probably)
• Search for ‘my resume’ on Pinterest and choose the one that suits you best. You’ll have multiple options, right from writer resumes to business and graphic design resumes. So be accurate while mentioning the search terms. The major objective of pinning your resume is to get it shared throughout the website, so make sure it’s enticing, crisp and error-free.
• Rather than pinning your entire resume as one pin, you can create an entire resume pin board to present different parts of your resume. Pin snaps of the companies you’ve worked for, schools you’ve attended and hobbies you’re interested in.
• If you want some pertinent job search advice, Pinterest might just be the thing you need. Various sites use a pin board to showcase inspiring ideas and advices related to career development as well.
Job search is a process that requires patience and persistence, so with a cool mind, keep giving your best shot at anything you do. Results will surely turn in your favor. Good luck!

Author Bio: Anshuman Kukreti is a professional writer and a keen follower of the global job market. An engineer by qualification and an artist at heart, he writes on various topics related to employment across the globe. Reach him @ LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+.