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Skills development in Sierra Leone Police

Edleen B. Elba


One of the most popular discussions I have had with my peers has been about the indiscipline in Sierra Leone. A common conclusion is that it is down to the lack of discipline in the police force. That is why I was pleased to read an article in Awoko this morning about the IG's plans to transform Sierra Leone Police, which includes development of the Sierra Leone International Law Enforcement Academy (SILEA).

Whereas I don't think developing skills in isolation will transform the police force, I believe it will help in the following ways:

1. Some of them will discover pride.

3. Gain an understanding of the laws

4. Learn how to investigate cases

5. See the public as their customers and hopefully start treating us as such.

6. Sierra Leone Police could become an employer of choice and start attracting candidates of higher quality

IG Munu was quoted as saying "Every institution must have a vision and our vision in the police force is to have an academy where they will acquire a higher education as 'we need to match-up and catch-up with international standards by providing relevant training'.

For now, I feel this kind of talk is over-ambitious as we are way behind, but he has the right attitude and this is a step in the right direction. I hope there is a strategic plan involved so that all the weaknesses in the force will be tackled simultaneously and the transformation of our force for good starts becoming visible in the near future.

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