Job Title: Finance Director
Date: 23 February 2019
Apply by: 8 March 2019
In October 2017, the National Medical Supplies Agency was established by an Act of Parliament as a public service agency responsible for the procurement, warehousing, distribution and management of drugs and medical supplies in a cost-effective manner, for and on behalf of all public institutions throughout Sierra Leone. NMSA is governed by a Board of Directors. NMSA is led by the Managing Director with a team of Directors forming the senior management of the organization.
NMSA is inviting suitable Sierra Leonean professionals to apply for the Finance Director role.
Responsible to: Managing Director
Supervision: 2 Clerks
Location: Freetown
Position type: Full Time
Contract duration: 3 years
To apply, submit CV and cover letter to NMSArecruitment@gmail.com and copy job@jobsearchsl.com with subject 'Finance Director' by 8 March 2019