Job Title: Field Officers, Supporting Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme
Organization: WOHFRAD (4) in Bombali and Pikin to Pikin (3) in Moyamba
Reporting Lines: Reports to the Project Manager
Contract: 2 years staff contract (Subject to a three-month probation period)
Purposeful Productions, is the Lead Partner for the Karo Kura SAGE Consortium, made up of six implementing organizations that will work in six districts: Western Rural, Karene Moyamba, Bonthe, Bombali and Falaba. In addition, Fambul Initiative Network for Equality (FINE-SL) is the consortium’s partner leading the Karo Kura SAGE Consortium’s initiatives on engaging men and boys for gender equity, while Population Council is the monitoring, learning, and evaluation partner. The consortium proposed to implement:
1. Safe Spaces+ A core program of evidence based safe spaces, directly reaching 15,450 girls across SAGE priority districts, utilising a refreshed life-skills manual, underpinned by the creation of a National Mentors Training Academy. Programming includes life skills, literacy and numeracy, linkages to services, and livelihoods.
2. Community Engagement+ An evidence-based series of community conversations working in tandem with safe spaces, supplemented by an Allies Academy, informed by behavior change principle and builds on Purposeful current work with progressive male voices in communities
3. Girl-Led Advocacy+ Girl-Led Storytelling days, powered by Karo Kura - SAGE Girls, influencing structures and systems from the community level out, and linking into Purposeful existing national advocacy work with and on behalf of the Salone Adolescent Girls Network.
4. Collectivised Business Incubator + A pilot of collectivised income generation activities attached to safe spaces, including girls farming collectives, girls Ocado collectives, and girls solar power collectives.
The Consortium is recruiting seven Field Officers to work in the two districts as mentioned above. The Field Officers will play a leading role in supporting girls’ safe spaces and activities with community stakeholders. They will have significant responsibility in overseeing the successful running of safe spaces sessions and community dialogues/conversations on issues relating to girls. The Field Officers must maintain an in-depth knowledge of running adolescent safe spaces, Livelihood community development work. The purpose of the position is to also work with the community structures including Girls Empowerment Committees, Paramount Chiefs, Councillors, boys and men.
Interested candidates are required to send a cover letter and CV to job@jobsearchsl.com with the job title and location in the subject field by 5pm on Friday 22nd November 2019.