Consultant - CBDR Assessment
Date: May 2021
Submit proposal by: 17 May 2021
Cordaid-SL is hiring a consultant to undertake a baseline assessment to identify the gaps around key areas within the operation of local Community Based Dispute Resolution service providers including their codes of conduct, standard operating procedures, and protocols that entrench basic rights, norms and standards, respect for jurisdictional boundaries and coordination, conflict-sensitivity, procedural safeguards, restorative justice principles (including non-financial reparation) and effective record- keeping through the Inclusive Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Project. The Baseline will target both district and community level service providers in Pujehun, Tonkolili and Western Area Rural District. The consultant will work with both Cordaid and YPPD team in developing a gender sensitive needs assessment tool which will further guide the conduct of the study and analyzing the current operations of the various community-based dispute resolution (CBDR) service providers available in the three operational districts. In addition, the study will help to ascertain the CBDR approaches that are more commonly used by people to claim rights and addressing grievances in their communities, and measures needed to be adopted in supporting and influencing some of these CBDR mechanisms and structures to adopt more inclusive, gender-sensitive, and conflict-sensitive practices, with specific focus on addressing needs of young women and youth.
The overall objective of this study is to assess the current operational procedures and gaps within Community Based Dispute Resolution (CBDR) service providers which prevents them from adopting more inclusive, gender-sensitive and conflict-sensitive practices at district and community level.
All Proposals must be submitted on or before the deadline 17th May 2021, at the Cordaid Office situated at 71A Bishop Drive, Smart Farm off Wilkinson Road. By mail to